Presidential Initiative for Artificial Intelligence and Computing (PIAIC)
Certified Web 3.0 and Metaverse Developer
A One and Quarter Years Panaverse DAO Earn as you Learn Program Getting Ready for the Next Generation of the Internet
Consolidating Web 3.0, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud, Edge, Ambient Computing/IoT, Network Automation, and Bioinformatics Technologies
Program of Studies
Core Courses
(Common in All Specializations)
Every participant of the program will start by completing the following three core courses.
Quarter I
CS-101: Object-Oriented Programming using TypeScript
Quarter II
W2-201: Developing Planet-Scale Web 2.0 Serverless Cloud Cloud Apps and APIs using Next.js 13 and Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Terraform
Quarter III
$-101: Dollar Making Bootcamp - Full-Stack Template and API Product Development
Specialized Tracks:
After completing the first three quarters the participants will select one or more specializations consisting of two courses each.
Specialized Track
Web 3.0 (Blockchain) and Metaverse Specialization
This Web 3.0 and Metaverse specialization focuses on developing full-stack Web 3.0 and Metaverse experiences for the next generation of the internet by specializing in building worlds that merge the best of cutting-edge decentralized distributed blockchains with 3D metaverse client experiences.
Quarter IV
W3-351: Developing Smart Contracts and Planet-Scale Web 3.0 Dapps
Quarter V
MV-361: Developing Planet-Scale Open Virtual and Augmented Metaverse Experiences
Specialized Track
Web 3.0 (Blockchain) and Metaverse Specialization
Specialized Track
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning Specialization
Specialized Track
Cloud-Native Computing Specialization
Specialized Track
Ambient Computing and IoT Specialization
Specialized Track
Genomics and Bioinformatics Specialization
Specialized Track
Network Programmability and Automation Specialization
The Outcome for Participants of the Program
As a graduate of this program, you will own valuable products such as Full-Stack App Templates, AR and VR Experiences, and APIs that are marketed globally by the Panaverse DAO. You will also have the opportunity to offer your services at a rate of $50 per hour, providing a path to financial stability while contributing to the growth of Pakistans software exports.